I decided to write my 2022 New Year Resolutions as a way to level set with 2021 and get motivated! I know we shouldn’t use the new year as the reason to start pursuing goals. However, I feel the end of the year allows me to reflect on what I have accomplished and create a fresh vision for my future self. I hope my list will inspire you to create your own 2022 New Year Resolutions! Let’s make 2022 the year where it happens!

2022 New Year Resolutions #1: Expanding Myself on other Social Media Platforms
This is something I have already started working on. While I understand trying to join several platforms at once can be overwhelming, I have focused mine on pre-existing ones. This includes my blog, Pinterest, Tik Tok, and Instagram. When I put Kai to bed at night, I want to start prioritizing those precious few hours at night. The goal is to get organized, evaluate my content, and make a schedule that will allow me to become more efficient. This post is my kickstart to starting the new year with a blog post once a week. I plan to write about fashion, travel, and lifestyle. Wish me luck!
2022 New Year Resolutions #2: Building a Community and Real Friendships
When I started my blog and Instagram in 2017, I was focused only on one thing: growing my following. My strategy was all wrong. After I got pregnant, I was forced into a social media hibernation. I realized I needed to stop with all the forced interactions, the follow/unfollow methods, and the constant need to be on my phone. My son is now my number one focus, and I need to be present when he is around. In 2022, I want to continue growing my community, but this doesn’t mean my follower count. I want to establish real relationships, be a source for colorful inspiration, and share all my positive experiences (and sometimes negative) as a new mother.

2022 New Year Resolutions #3: Focusing on a Healthier Lifestyle
Being a mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister can be incredibly overwhelming at times. I find myself struggling to balance the responsibilities of each. The focus will not be just related to fitness, but also my mental health. Just recently, I realized I have a lot of underlying issues that have been buried since childhood. I didn’t realize how much it is impacting me and how I treat certain people in my life because of it. Now that I’m a mom, I realize examining these issues and figuring out a way to address them is really important. I want Kai to know that it’s ok to ask for help even if society views it as a weakness. Whether it’s finding a therapist, or journaling, this is definitely something I will be prioritizing in the new year.
2022 New Year Resolutions #4: Learning How to Shoot Manual
Learning manual shooting has been something on my list since I started blogging, which was about four years ago. Currently, I shoot in Aperture; however, I know manual gives a photographer a lot of flexibility and freedom. I would also love to learn flash photography, but I know that manual shooting is the first step. As Kai grows, I want to incorporate him into my editorial style shoots in 2022!
2022 New Year Resolutions #5: Brainstorming a Business Idea
Just recently, I came up with an idea for a fashion brand. While it’s still an extremely fresh idea, I want to put this out into the universe. It’s been my dream to be in the fashion industry, but I always shied away because I legitimately have no idea how to draw. This setback is the reason I made the excuse to not pursue fashion. Little did I know that you could still own a fashion line and not be an artist! This idea literally came to me the last week of December, and is something that I’m super excited about! I’m grateful for the women who have already shared their experiences with me. It’s super motivating to hear other people’s stories and see their ideas come to fruition! I plan to do a lot of research in the coming months, so stay tuned!

I want to make it clear that these resolutions do not have a deadline and the intent is to motivate me. The point of writing these out is because I want to hold myself accountable.
I hope these 2022 New Year Resolutions have inspired you to create your own goals. Let’s start 2022 with something exciting to look forward to!
Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much! I am definitely planning to post on here more often and hold myself accountable!